Archive for 2022

  • Finally a goodbye


    Holy shit. I can’t believe my life. what just happened?? I mean after months of ups and downs and...

  • Babe x


    Dear Baby,I loved you so much and it’s so hard to let you go I’m always in hope that...

  • My message for you


    “i would go through all this pain take a bull*t straight through my brain yes, i would d*e for...

  • No goodbyes


    Hey old man,It’s been 2 months since we last talked, and it’s still a shock to me- we never...

  • It’s good you will never read this because you would never think any of it is true


    I wish I reacted to you breaking up with me differently.  I wish I said ok. I wish I...

  • Not yours anymore


    I don’t understand what I did to deserve you not only leaving me, but now hating me. if anyone...

  • You were the best thing to ever happen to me and I hate that


    Dear Ben, I’m annoyed that it took me so long to notice you. I don’t think I’ll ever be able...

  • I wish you well


    About 8 years ago we went on a trip and it was mixed emotions. I knew I would love...

  • I didn’t deserve this


    I keep wondering why I get sad. I’ve felt fine. The past two days I haven’t been sad about...

  • Will it be meant to be?


    I never really experienced a broken heart, but since now I can totally understand how it feels. My heart...