Archive for 2022

  • Do you want to hear a secret?


    You’ll always be the love of my life. It’s been almost eight months since I lost you. We were...

  • You Deserved Better Than What I Gave You…


    Hey, Z.  I’m hoping that I can post this publicly and also not have it be something you’ll find....

  • Hell of a relationship


    Dear Justin,I thought you were the love of my life  and we were happy together and we were happy...

  • It’s over


    Dear Adam,I hate you and I want to break up…you are a lying piece of shit and I know...

  • Just Us


    I wish we could turn back time. I miss you and I’m still into you, Jiya. -C

  • We tried like hell


    It’s only been a week since you walked out the door of the place, once upon a time, we...

  • I hate you


    Hey. I’m too much of a pussy to say this to you, ever, and i know that it won’t...

  • Thank you and goodbye


    Dear R,  Twelve years ago on Christmas Eve, I was waiting in line to get my room key to...

  • My first


    Dear Ollie, You were my first love, my first time, my first proper boyfriend and if someone had asked...

  • A masterpiece


    Hey there Erica. It’s been so long, I have been fighting with my heart, torn between reality and the...