Archive for 2022

  • Wishing on a star


    The moment you walked through the door, I knew something was about to change. A broken heart set me...

  • My secret high school boy


    It’s been 5 years now. But, from time to time I still think about what I should have said...

  • To Rob


    It’s 3 am and I’m wondering if you still think about me… it’s been 3-4  months since we broke...

  • To my eevee Jordan


    What i wish i would have told you. I wish i told you to come back sooner, i wish...

  • 4 years later


    It’s four years later. Four. And you still affect every aspect my life. The anger I feel towards you...

  • I’m ok now


    I just wanted to let you know that despite everything you did, I’m okay. I’m happy. I have the...

  • 10 years later…


    I was always so sure, defensive, proud, comfortable and confident in us. We were based on “friendship, trust, truth,...

  • I loved you


    I met you at a time I least needed any affection. I am timid. I am so self-centered I...

  • Missing you


    If you were still here I would be telling you how much i love you. When i met you...

  • You let me down


    Dear C, I met you in school when we where both 11 years old.At 13, you smiled at me...