Archive for June, 2023

  • Sometimes I still call you Joshua


    Remember when you told me to call you by your full name? You said it felt more like you...

  • Somewhere in the Multiverse


    Dear JI doubt you’d know about this website, so I’m just gonna go ahead and say it.It’s been two...

  • Friends?


    Hi, J. Since I do not have the courage to tell you this in person, I believe writing this...

  • What went wrong?


    Dear Logan, I have thought about us since the month and a half since we have broken up. Through...

  • My pretty boy M


    I have finally moved on. I don’t know about you since I blocked you 6 months ago. What you...

  • To Roger


    I’m not sure I’ll ever remember writing this to you or if I will ever show you this, however,...

  • Dear T


    I hope you find your happiness, I wish you well. I’m not going to reminisce on the relationship because...

  • To Martha


    I still miss you every single day… I love you more, always.

  • Love will never bloom in your field


    Dear Stefan, Upon further reflection, here is my experience of you: You have no integrity. You are simple minded...