To the man who completely played me

To the man who completely played me

To the man who completely played me

Done with college, working full time and living life. I was an adult ready to enter my first adult mature relationship only to stumble on a charming charismatic man who completely and utterly played me and destroyed my spirit and I never told him about any of the pain he caused. We parted very peacefully. 

I thought he came with genuine intentions but we were on completely different pages. He was a man with a lot of experience but he was my first. Maybe that should’ve been a warning sign for me. 

We never even got a “label” of boyfriend and girlfriend and our relationship was so short lasting that it counts as “talking stage” yet he broke my heart. And he’ll never know it. Shortly after, he moved on like this never happened and he’s happily married while I dwell on him for 2 years now…

I probably no longer exist in his memories.

I wish him well but I wish he was honest about his intentions from the beginning. I hate that I fell for his positive and negative attributes and I hate that I was willing to accommodate and compromise so much for him when he wasn’t reciprocating the same. 

I hope I get over you someday soon. 

I always wonder if he knew what he did to me and if he even ever thinks or reflects about it. We had good times but the bad times were completely unnecessary from his end.


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