Hello you,
I am here because I know that confronting you will be the wrong thing to do… for me. I cannot hold on to this anger any more… I HATE YOU. You USED me terribly… What a fucking story you told me, about how he abused you, how he treated you, how he ran up your bills… and how you were so alone.
And when I told you that our relationship would cost me my career and you promised to love me forever because I was GOLD to you – where did you end up when I needed you?
Makes me wonder if the stories about your ex are true. Why do I say that? Because when I became depressed after two years of struggle with your kids, our finances that you kept running up (who the fuck spend 20K on landscaping when we don’t really have the money?) – where were you? You told me that you couldn’t listen to me any more and that I just needed to take care of my shit. And when I did – you blamed me for having taken care of it fast enough…. Why – because you were already cheating on me with your sugar daddy.
Don’t you realize that he is a gangster – that his ties to organized crime are real and that his money has come on the back of taking advantage of people.
What the hell happened to you?
You left me in pieces. I hate you so much that I really hope that you head for what is coming to you…. You will see my dear that one day he will hurt you far worse than you hurt me….
You lied through your teeth to me for four years… coming to take me into your life, letting me take care of your kids when you obviously couldn’t (do you know how fucked up they were are and likely still are?) was perhaps the most selfish thing you could take from me…