I’m not bitter, I’m better

I’m not bitter, I’m better

I’m not bitter, I’m better

LTME postDear ex,
I know you probobaly think I’m gonna say some really mean things right now but honestly I have nothing mean to say. I’m over it. What you did to end us was just one of the many ways you hurt me. I went through years of verbal abuse and knew all along you weren’t the man for me.. But for some reason I always felt sorry for you. You’d treat me like crap and then cry and say you didn’t mean it, which only should have showed me how little of a man you really were. You were weak, but you made me strong. You dragged me through a four year relationship and even wrote me a letter every single day when you went to basic training in the military. You promised you would propose to me while you were away, and always signed “Love your future husband”. But in the end it was all just an illaborate scheme. You ended us by cheating on me, with my best friend. I was left speechless and felt like I had nothing..but the longer I hurt the stronger I grew. Then I realized something, it was the epiphany that I had been waiting on. We didn’t work, because someone much better for me is out there. But I can’t know Him yet. I had to go through this terrible relationship with you to learn to love someone when they didn’t deserve it, I had to learn to be patient and I had to learn to be forgiving. You have had a new girl almost every week, and I see how you act and I know how you think. The thing is I AM choosing to be single. I am not jealous or “salty”.. I could have been with 30 guys already if I wanted to. But being with you taught me to NEVER settle again. I refuse to take anything less than I deserve, and if it takes years I will wait for the man for me. So THANK YOU! Thank you for being so hurtful and mean to me so I can actually appreciate how sweet and kind He is. Thank you for always making me pay and plan everything so when He does I can appreciate him. Thank you for never appreciating all I did for you, it will mean so much more when I do them for Him. Thank you for always making me feel insecure and ugly, because he will always make me feel beautiful. Thanks for being easy to forget because you were never the one for me anyways!
All I hope for you is that you never treat a woman as poorly as you treated me again. I wish you the best.


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