
  • Thank You for Breaking Me


    Dear Mal, I began to miss you a bit when I started seeing bits and pieces of your life...

  • Accounting measure


    My dearest Gary, I have struggled with finding the words to write this letter, but further, the will. Words...

  • You were right, we are toxic


    I guess God leads us down roads that we are meant to go down, whether we like them or...

  • I need to be kind to myself for a change


    You used to tell me that my greatest talent was acting as though my problems didn’t exist, and I...

  • You are worth more


    From the inside we were happy. Planning a future. Talking about being a family. From the outside… we were...

  • writing what I can’t tell you


    So, how are you? You are a mystery to me. Two beautiful kids at home & you left me...

  • You said we were soulmates


    Dear love muffin, I almost texted you today, but I fought the pain. I want to give you space...

  • Why did you abandon me


    I don’t understand why I’m back being hated over one email to you. I went from you true best...

  • When you’re in love with an idea


    Dear ultimately strangers, Ever since I was little I would watch movies like Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast...

  • The truth you owe me


    Jan, this letter contains no hatred, no anger and no pain, even though I feel so. Next to the...