Like a moth to a flame
Hey B,I had so many things left unsaid after all this time. It would be so weird for me...
The lies we tell ourselves
Where to begin? The feeling of inadequacy, feeling foolish about not seeing the red flags, letting myself be vulnerable...
May our paths cross again so we can do this right
Steph I miss you. I know things are awkward between us right now. We sit 20 feet away from...
Miss you always Danielle
Still the worst feeling that you’re not in my life anymore and wish things were different.
Wishing you the best
Hi Ga, I don’t know how this will make you feel, maybe confused, angry or sad or hurt. I’m...
I miss you I wish you never left..
Dear Ex, I know we broke up in august but I still find myself thinking about you everyday. I am...
I hate you the most
Dear Bubby. I just want to tell you how ungrateful I am that I met someone like you, You...