Took 20 years to see the real you

Took 20 years to see the real you

Took 20 years to see the real you

Soon our divorce will be final. I never thought that I would be looking forward to that. Sure it is a sad thing but I now know it is the right thing for I have seen you you really are. In the past year and a half I have learned that all along you were a coward, a user and just plain selfish. You covered it up with a thin veneer of niceness but in the end the veneer chipped away.

I should have seen it when you first left me to go back home. No talk of what would become of us. We had been dating for 2 years yet you boarded that plane and never broke up with me or said we were continuing to be a couple. I was so young and naive I did not know how to push the subject. I was confused and hurt. I did not realize that it was your coward way of saying goodbye without you having to acutally say it.

Idiot me I followed you and once again continued my relationship with you, even after you fessed up that during those few months apart you had been seeing someone. Within a week of leaving me you were already with someone else. Idiot me once again, I missed the opportunity to kick you in the nuts and walk away. To just save my heart for someone who actually gave a damn.

Eventually we married but within 2 years you cheated. I still was weak and accepted your conditions. You would come back home as long as you could continue being friends with this woman who you said you had “only kissed” but loved. Weak and pathetic me accepted the conditions and allowed you to disrespect me. I need to find a way to forgive myself for that.

So many times during our marriage you made me feel like I was worthless. You stated I was not family but “just your wife”. You joked to others about my lack of cooking abilities in our early days. It broke my heart. What I should have done was joke about your lack of skill in the bedroom. You have been the most boring man I have ever had sex with. I faked it everytime, even though I lied to you just to keep your pathetic ego intact.

So now the divorce is weeks away. And I finally see you for what you really are. A pathetic coward who avoided confrontation and who pretended to do nice things once your conscience got the better of you. I laugh now at your situation. You have a girlfriend who has you collared like a dog and won’t let you pee unless you ask for permission. Finally some justice! I don’t particularly like her but I enjoy seeing how whipped you are. Karma is a b@#$!


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