Can we start again?

Can we start again?

Can we start again?

LTME postSpencer…Spencer. As much as I try to restart, I can’t. I keep wanting for us to go on…for us to be in a romantic relationship. I know we’re best friends but trying to instantly go back to that awesome friendship is much harder than anything I’ve ever done. What hurts is the fact that I don’t know how you feel…and it truly scares me. I know there was a connection between us when we meet. The timing was off, I wasn’t ready for another person to come into my life like that. We weren’t even that serious but it hurts me that I could’ve possibly lost you for good, and it can still happen. Even if we never got back together on a romantic level, I would still feel much better if you knew how I felt. Spencer, I love you more than I should right now. I miss you to the point of wanting to squeeze you tight and never let go. I’m scared that I will chase away the boy I accidentally fell in love with. Spencer, what do I do? The only person I need right now is you, however, I know we need our space. I don’t think it matters if it’s been a full month or 6 or even a year…I deeply care about you and love you. My little secret is that I’ll always be loving you, whether or not you’re around…I can’t help but love every part of you. No matter how many hot guys I look at, you just have a special place in my heart. You aren’t the hottie every girl would instantly fall for, you aren’t the jock that the cheerleaders cheer for, you aren’t the boy who knows much about love. But, I still fell in love with you and your handsome face. I still find you super attractive. And I still want to be with you even if you make mistakes, I want to be the one you mess up with. I want to be the girl who can show you how to love and I want that love…from you. I could go on forever but what I have yet to say will be saved for a day when it’s right. I’ll see you soon, Spencer, my love…


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