I love you to the moon and back

I love you to the moon and back

I love you to the moon and back

Anh Yeu,

I still can’t get the words out of my head when you said you were done with us. Those words cut me like a knife and for that my eyes are accompany with tears every night I sleep. You were my first love and I still love you so much. Even though I know the truth that we can’t be together because we are not a match, but my heart does not want to let you go. The first time we had broken up, it really tore me apart. The second time hurts even more. Even though you said we can still be friends and I am grateful for that but my heart still aches every time. Everywhere I go and everything I do reminds me of you. I know I’m hurting myself even more for putting myself in this. I need to get out of this rut and get myself together or it will ruin me.

Eating and sleeping is getting hard for me now. I just wish I had treated you better and show you how much I love you and care for you. But it’s too late. Moving on is so hard. We’ve been through so much that I cannot simply just move on that easily. Maybe it is easy for you but it’s extremely difficult for me. I know I am strong even though I don’t believe it but I will get through this. But for the time being it is going to be tough. I’m just so heartbroken right now it’s driving me crazy and I feel like I might just lose it. Just remember that I will always love you no matter what. Maybe we can be together in the next life time….

love you forever and always



  1. I Love You & That Has Never Changed J 12 years ago

    I see you write in Vietnamese now:)

    I know this is written for me as by the wordings you have said. As usual you always manage to make me smile and cry all in one. You will be pleased to know since that letter to God I haven’t been on here anymore as there is nothing I can do or say to you how much I love you. If only could hold you in my arms & whisper everything that I so want to say to you…..it is but a dream. I hope you know by what you’ve done you have cost me my job & career. It is ok, I do not blame you or am upset, not much upsets me these days, only the loss of the love of my life-You. I put you before everything, my work, my friends, my family, even my dog, as you were everything to me & still are. I can picture you now even after so long, your eyes, your voice, your laugh, your everything! That is how much I love you! You say time has been gone so long? Really? What is six months? It is not that long? Listen to your heart? And only your heart? Not the voices of others? We were so good together & you know we were, we just had to be able to talk the way we are able to now? You my dear are the one woman I would marry in an instant, I have never been bedazzled by another like you. Yes I should have done other things but I didn’t because I loved to be with you as you were my world & that is all that mattered to me. I still say to you I have not being with another or wanted to since you. I read your messages about thinking you were pregnant, then it was a false alarm? I can say I wish it was only mine lol. I miss you babylious & I love you like no other as you are “True Love”. Time has no meaning my love. After reading all the things you write on many sites I am amazed to say how beautiful all the things you write are & if only you talked to those you write about instead of those on paper you may find it all so much easier to communicate your wants and wishes? My heart goes out to you young lady & I only have one wish in life? And that is to be your man. Nothing more nothing less. I love you.

    • Acat 12 years ago

      xin loi,

      As beautiful as this is written, I am not the girl you think I am. I am not the person you so loved. When I saw this respond, for a brief second I really thought it was the guy I wrote about. But you truly still love this girl and it seems you guys still talk to each other…means you guys must still be in love. Don’t give up if it’s still love. Good Luck to you.

  2. @Acat 12 years ago

    If it was only so & I do believe we actually might be he & she for we no longer talk except in a weird wonderful online responses on blogs that should never be to which I’m now stopping writing out to the world how much I love her still. We separated in February this year & her name meant “Sea Of Stars” as mine meant “Beloved” in Latin.

    I do think it is you I will boldly say & know I still love you like I have always. You seem so definiant that he doesn’t love you? She thought the same & was ever so wrong. Had she understood what I was going through I would have opened the floodgates that was my heart as I thought she would not cope with what had happened to her own father. Both we were at fault & I blame no one & if anything my life has only grown much the way I should have been earlier in life…spiritually evolving, spiritually I’m still reacquainting myself with God, Mentally I am becoming what I wish to be. A man who she would be proud to say Love you. No one is perfect & If this is you I swear to you here & know you will see the change in me as I you the moment we gaze upon each other if it is to be? I expect nothing as I don’t judge anymore & only ask if it is you to see that men can change if we willingly want to better ourselves for ourselves so all can see that he does action what he says. Still not perfect but will be forever learning & only happy to continue as it is a major part my life now with who I am. I would say not try again yet start afresh. From here right now? To begin like we just met, to take it slowly, to agree on what we both desire. To communicate honestly, immediately and fore right and with me complete composure when challenges arise. That has been one of my favourite learning curves what I have just promised you. So many more things to & I know I am ready like I believe you are for this next step Mariana?

  3. Acat 12 years ago

    Sorry again,

    I am not the Mariana girl you say I am. I wish I was for your sake, but I am not her. If you really love this girl then you shouldn’t give up on her. But I am not her….I am someone else who thought I was in love and now in a complicated situation. I loved this guy but we didn’t work out…it broke my heart to hear from someone seeing him holding hands with another girl and it broke my heart. But I regain my strength and tried to move on. I forgot about him until later he texted me and I am back to square one again. Now I’m really in a complicated mess. I think I am hurting myself again for reconnecting with him because the past is coming back to life and my emotions are slowly resurfacing. This is not a good thing..for I know I will feel hurt all over again and I worked so hard to get over him. So I am not your love Mariana….I am just another girl who just want to be loved and is in a complicated situation.

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