To my ex, you fucking piece of shit.

To my ex, you fucking piece of shit.

To my ex, you fucking piece of shit.

LTME postYou’re fucking piece of shit, a headache, player and a fucking spastic. I hate how stupid I was to keep coming back to you. Four fucking years on and off. I am glad that you are out of my life and I hope we are never friends. I wish I never met you, I wish I had someone to tell me how fucking stupid I was.You treated me like shit while you talked to other girls all while you tell me you loved me, what a fucking joke and as soon as a guy paid attention to me you’d tell them to fuck off and leave me alone! Now all the guys hate me because shit you fucking made up.

I built you up, cleaned up your filthy habits but that wasn’t enough for your fucking cheap ass. I’m glad I ended it in the end. I hope you hurt like you hurt me I hope you get cheated on and live a lonely fucking life, I know one day you’ll want me back, we’ll least I hope so but I won’t run back to you like I have done I won’t even fucking look at you. I’m just glad I didn’t let you take the things most important to me. but one thing you gave me was to make aware of what sleazy cunts are out there. I know I’m young and still have my life ahead of me but fuck you, you fucking dumb uneducated cunt for, making me like you everyone knew I was to good for you and I think you knew it to but you fucked it up just like you fuck up everything.


  1. Diane 10 years ago

    Well said!

    • Pope 6 years ago

      Ditto. My ex is piece of shit

      • Kyle Silvers 4 years ago

        Damn brutal.

  2. Laura 9 years ago

    Well said! Fuck your loser ex, and fuck my loser ex too! We are better off without them!

  3. Che 9 years ago

    Fuck him he’s a piece of shit and you deserve much better and you know it. I fucking hate my ex too – he’s a creepy ass dude with no respect for women fuck him, hope he fucking dies alone.

  4. DaddyLongShanks 8 years ago

    Sometimes the piece of $hit is a female. Same tactics, same narcissism, same selfishness, same using, same not appreciating, same not helping…

  5. Hellomynameisnoyb 8 years ago

    That was good!! i hate cheaters and cowards. But they are used to trash. Like my ex boyfriend. He was with me and still having dinner with his drug addict ex wife and on dating sites called POF . I was stupid. He was a whore. But they like that trash low class. I deserve better. Just wasted my time on crap. They will never be happy. They can jack off!!

  6. Jake 8 years ago

    Love it so much I’m going copy and change a threw things this is great for when my ex contacts me I will just hit paste and sent 😂

  7. michelle 8 years ago

    I fucking hate my Ex boyfriend you lied to me told me you loved me cheated on me and told me the other women ment nothing yet you got back together with her and married her after only knowing her for 2 months.

    The best KARMA will be her divorcing you in a year ….FUCK OFF I hope you have a miserable life . The only thing you are capable of being is a mind fuck. And you tell me you are really not an asshole? ?? Seriously take a good hard look in the mirror.

  8. Courtney Lenoir 8 years ago

    Well said, like the other person said many times it could be a woman that is the low life piece O S

    • Jack 5 years ago

      Yeah fuck your ex he’s a trashy piece of shot like my ex boyfriend. So high and mighty because I put him there while he was having sex with other women and manipulated me In being with him. I hate him now he’s just fucking trash. He can have those trashy ass hoes and he knows he lost a real one. I was so loyal and he never deserves that loyalty again! Fuck him!!

  9. Stella 8 years ago

    LOVED reading this. Didn’t know this was happening wide spread. My filthy fuck of an ex BEGGED me back, then when I went, just strung me along for Christmas. I know his cheating ass will get fucked over by his puta. I just hope I get to see it…or at least hear about it.
    You ladies are worth more than the lying pieces of puke that are put there.
    I just hope you find them. (Me, I just can’t trust anyone again-I’m too old, too broken). God speed.

  10. Nah, not likely. 8 years ago

    I’m done with love too, Stella
    Same reasons – old, tired, worn out from trying to keep someone who I now see didn’t want me except when it suited.
    Good wishes to you.

  11. Bb 7 years ago

    People say to take the high road. But when you’re done with an ex and they wronged you, they deserve to be told. I dated a guy for 6 months. We broke up and he blamed the whole thing on me. A month later I found out he was bi. I tore him a new asshole and punched where it most hurt. He was too chicken to pick up his phone so I told him over text. Life is too short to give a fuck. Don’t let him walk over you and hold in your hurt.

    • Done 7 years ago

      Amen!! I believe in no contact, and I don’t care if he reads my message and thinks I’m crazy, but someone’s gotta stand up for me, and that’s me!

  12. Lelaina 7 years ago

    Lmao! You inspired me to write all the bad shit even violence that the cheap ass old piece of shit of my ex. He was always making me feel like I have no value. He even didn’t finish school and was cooking drugs and went to jail. But God has beat him he got burned cooking drugs and now he got fybromialgia but not enough he’s still married after 6 FUCKING YEARS. That poor woman still cries for him. I feel so sorry for her. But he is a total asshole, violent, psycho!
    I feel every day more free. We just ended. I moved from Santa Monica to this shit trailer paRK FOR HIM! imso stupid. So stupid.
    But he will reap what he saw! I believe in God’s justice and He will let me watch. If you only knew all the shit that I went through!
    Now good riddance!

  13. Suzzan 7 years ago

    Where do i START! I was so stupid over this one guy, we went out for 7 years! And never made it to a relationship with all of his dumb ass lies! I must admit the way we hooked up wasn’t right anyway. But he was mentally manipulative. Dating several other women and LYING about it. He’s had several other good women in his life, let them go like it was NOTHING. Wait. This time around i believe they dropped his sorry ass. He treated me like shit. Told me i was never enough for him. Asked me what can i do for him! If you’ve ever think you’ve dated the devil, maybe you have. Every day is a battle to not.. Cut his dick off. And be the bigger person. I hope he gets everything he fucking deserves. Deep down i feel he’s just a scared ass little CUNT. Two middle fingers you dick sucking prison mentality piece of shit. Haa i feel lighter😊

  14. Thotty 7 years ago

    This sounds like something I would write to my ex who I just left and I’m proud of myself for it. He’s a fucking dick and people would always warn me but I was so head over heels for him I didn’t listen and they were right hes a fucking cheating piece of shit and he cheated on me 5 fucking times and I’d always take him back I was so stupid. But now I know damn well he’ll come back like all the other times but I won’t even acknowledge him. He can go suck a dick and cry himself to sleep listening to 17 and comlplain about his shitty life always playing victim

  15. Paul 7 years ago

    And many of us good innocent men could really say this about our Ex Wives that turned out to be real filthy Whores for cheating on us even when we were the real faithful ones in our relationship.

    • Richard Jones 7 years ago

      Hell yeah. Fucking bitch ass world.

    • jp 7 years ago

      hey paul i am sorry for what happened to you. it goes both ways. hopefully my note will be posted

  16. jp 7 years ago

    Men are lying pieces of shit as well. My fuck husband used me forever till he found someone with more money.
    I wish he was dead fucked me over big time, lied to me and his daughter. I am so much better off with out him.
    I want to shed the anger and move on with my life. its hard.
    btw, the whore he was cheating with was married for 34 years. we were 20. fuck you asshole

  17. Lori Jo 7 years ago

    Well, my fucking piece of malignant dog shit left me for someone younger after he blew threw all my damn $$$$!!! He had so much credit card debt and business debt he didn’t know which end was up. Plus the fact he drank like a fish every time the wind blew wrong!!! He got 2x’s groping other women and then claimed they were seducing him. Ya right. Let’s not fail to mention his multiple liaisons and lies!!!!! What kind of POS does that? Also, he called all women whores all the time or menopausal useless shrews. Young women were dumb to him, older women $ bags. On top of that he’d throw grown hissy fits if he got called on his garbage. Now he’s with a new one. Saved and born again, sure. What a joke. I hope the fucker goes bald, broke, bankrupt, impotent, loses his charm, and the new one treats him like shit as he has done to soooo many others!

  18. christabel 7 years ago

    No one should have to go through the emotional rollercoaster of guessing whether or not their spouse is being unfaithful. i believe strongly in the use of a professional private investigator to help put your mind at ease. i tried the talking route with my husband and he swore to me that he wasn’t cheating but i wasn’t convinced so i hired a professional private investigator and what he discovered was too painful. my husband was not only having an affair but he was having an affair with my best friend. it was hard to believe but i was finally convinced when the pi presented the evidence. hiring him was the best decision i made. don’t put yourself through the worrying. send him a mail. he can help you too. i-hack @ tutanota. com

  19. Chris 3 years ago

    Seems like you think of him alot, I wonder if he has any emotions towards you at all or if you’re just someone he used to know (or thought he knew) ✌️

  20. Dawn 3 years ago

    He sounds like low life scum sucking fucking narcissistic arsehole you did good do dump his ass!

  21. Me Myself 3 years ago

    Maybe “YOU” are the piece of shit that drove him to do these things. Its easy to badmouth a person when they arent there to defend themselves or give their side of the story.

  22. James L Jones 2 years ago

    This sounds like Trump. Never admit failure Spend the risk of your life burning in hatred because you bet on the wrong horse. There are other better horses but as soon as you tell them you are forever stuck with the ex They will leave as fast as if they were in the Kentuck Derby.

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