I’ll wait for you

I’ll wait for you

I’ll wait for you

LTME postI know this is hard for you. It’s hard for me too. You were my best friend. Literally, my best friend. We had a huge crush on each other forever, we’ve known each other for 7 years. Then we finally got the chance to be together. We made some perfect memories, and built trust that i didn’t know could even exist between two people these days. We went on dates, I tried new things with you, we made life plans, we kissed, I met your family, you showed me how a girl is supposed to be treated. You gave my the world. You were always there for me. Although, we were 95 miles away from each other, you still did your very best. You treated me better than anyone could ever treat me. You knew me like the back of your hand, you knew my looks when I was mad, sad, happy, upset, my “I don’t want to leave you” look. You knew how to calm me down, make me feel like the world wasn’t spinning so fast. You showed me what it was like to fall in love with a best friend.

I was always bad about talking about my feelings. I always have been. So when something was wrong or I wanted more from you, I never told you. I wanted you home more, but I never told you. So how was I supposed to expect that from you? That was my mistake.
Also, my mistake was talking to an ex who I wasn’t completely over. An ex who can change my mind a lot of the time. I listened to those nice words, those promises that won’t be kept, and I chose him over you.
I threw down a diamond and picked back up a little pebble.
I made a huge mistake, I mistake that I think about everyday.
Oh what I would give to have that back. That feeling you gave me. That feeling of security, pleasure, happiness. You genuinely made me happy. I let distance get in the way of something so perfect. Something that the movies talk about. That’s what we had. We had the love that people don’t believe in. We had the love people get jealous of.

And my only wish is that, you never forget me. I hope you always remember how amazing we had it, even if it was a short time.
Because even if it’s just in my dreams, I tell myself that one day, we will be together again. We will continue our plans, and we will show the world that love stories do exist.

I miss you and I’ll always love you.


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