Please know…

Please know…

Please know…

LTME postDear Ex,
You gave me the best two years of my life. You told me I was perfect. You made me feel special. You were my best friend. We made up stories about our future. Do you remember them? Do you remember the way you kissed me and told me forever? Do you remember the long goodnight messages? When you cried to me and I cried to you? When we were the only people eachother could really trust? And that last time we hung out, when I fell asleep in your arms, and you turned off the tv, took my glasses off of me, kissed my forehead, and went to sleep yourself? I do, because that was the last time in months I fell asleep without crying. I found a candle that smells like you. It reminded me of that day. It made me happy until I realized she makes you happy. She was my friend, yes, but she’s a stranger to me now. I forgive you but I will never forgive her. She holds hands with and is always close to her best guy friend and she tells some people who still talk to her that she doesn’t really like you much. Damn I swear if she breaks your heart. I don’t know what I’ll do. You broke mine, and I don’t want you to go through this because it sucks. She’s doing what she did to the last guy she dated with you. Remember how she was close to him, and then she stopped hanging out with him and if she did she acted like she was the leader and he was supposed to go along with whatever she wanted? Remember, she talked to other guys since he wasn’t good enough? Remember how I had to tell him, because she didn’t want to do it herself? Remember how they lasted weeks even though they weren’t talking? You guys are lasting months doing the same thing. Can’t you see it? She doesn’t love you. And I’m in love with you. You told me to get over you because love is supposed to be mutual. If I’m not allowed to love you because you don’t love me, then you’re not supposed to love her, because she is eventually going to break your heart, when she finally gets the nerve to do it. And by then, I promise I won’t have moved on, I will always love you. But by then I may just have given up on trying to grab back the one thing that made me happy rather than making my own happiness. I love you, and I’m sorry that me loving you more than myself wasn’t good enough for you.


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