Please come back to me

Please come back to me

Please come back to me

LTME postIt’s been almost 2 months since we agreed to call it off and it hurts like crazy that you don’t want to talk to me. You won’t respond to any of my messages. I still can’t understand how after spending three years and all of our childhood together you could just block me out and forget me like this. I know you’re avoiding me at all costs and it hurts so bad.

I know we both contributed to our end, and I want to apologise for everything I did to make you feel unloved. Looking back I wish I could change how I acted. I was so insensitive and you deserve better.

I’m sorry for letting my depression get the better of me and I understand how hard that must have been for you to handle.

I can only hope one day you realise how much I loved you and let me back into your life. If not then I can only wish you to lead the happiest of lives, have children as beautiful as you are and find a partner that can make you as happy as I once did.

Goodbye my special princess. I imagine I’ll always love you.


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