I don’t have the heart to send this to you

I don’t have the heart to send this to you

I don’t have the heart to send this to you

LTME-postI’m writing to you after all this time because I’ve been thinking about you lately.  I thought I had forgiven you, but after I found out that Rebecca went to Korea and you lied to me again i just couldn’t fool myself anymore. I get that she is the mother of your kids and she will always have a place in your life, but what hurt me was the lie, how you always found a way to omit information.

I’m sorry we fooled ourselves into thinking that what we had was something different, but we were lying to ourselves all along, we never shared the same values. You always found a way to make me feel guilty about my feelings, remember the first time I tried to break up with you? After you swore you were divorced and i found out that you were taking perfect family pictures, how you blamed me for abandoning something as special as what we had?

And then i was the villain that February when i walked away and you came to Mexico and i ended up feeling so stupid. Even after I found those dating profiles of you you were not really sorry, you said that we would fight about something else if not that, then i found you were actually cheating on me and you couldn’t even break things up with her, i had to talk to her to tell her the truth, and in my mind i thought that we could work it out. it was a mistake i didn’t trust you and i just couldn’t.

Even now with a girlfriend you dare to say  that I’m the love of your life, instead of leaving me alone, you write to say you are happy but that you miss me and i am the love of your life. I beg you to remember those nights when i called you on the phone and begged you not to leave me, and all those times you had the chance to be with me and instead you chose someone else, when you decided to go skiing instead of working on our relationship after you cheated, or when you decided to not visit me when i was in the hospital. You also did good things, but im afraid I cant remember anything good about you know. If there’s something i regret in this life is having met you, and believing in all your bs.

I wish i never met you

1 Comment

  1. s 9 years ago

    I have been through this myself 2 years ago. And trust me when i say this it does get better and eventually the heartache will fade away.

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