You’ve moved on. I haven’t. And that’s okay.

You’ve moved on. I haven’t. And that’s okay.

You’ve moved on. I haven’t. And that’s okay.


It’s been a while since we last talked, and I don’t know if we’ll ever talk again.

I still love you. Sometimes I wonder – why don’t you just reply? Why choose to hurt me some more? But then I force myself to understand that we’ll never be together. Distance and life would always drive us apart. But for those short fleeting moments when we were together, life was so beautiful. It really was.

I know I’ll probably never see you again. We’ve gone our separate ways, and in a world of 7 billion people it seems so unlikely that our paths will ever cross again. I just need some time to accept that the life I dreamed of was never meant to be.

In spite of that, I still love you. I wish you all the best. I hope that when I next see you again you’ll have settled down, you’ll have found your man, you’ll have started anew. I hope; I really do hope, that all your dreams come true.

When we last saw each other I don’t know if you knew that it was goodbye. Somewhere in my heart I knew, but I just didn’t want to accept it. If I had I would have told you: “Forever and forever farewell… If we do meet again, we’ll smile indeed… If not, ’tis true this parting was well made.”

I’m fine that you’ve moved on. In fact, I’m glad that you’ve moved on. It’s just that I haven’t. And that’s okay. But remember this: I love you. And that will never change.


  1. tiny 8 years ago

    i realize a lot of things reading your open letter.
    thank you so much. i am in pain now as well i got dumped and replaced.
    but i will forgive my self and my ex to heal my wound

    • Samson 8 years ago

      i’m so glad to hear that you could relate to my letter
      it still hurts when I think about what could have been, but I hope that it’ll start to get better soon
      thank you for reminding me that i’m not alone

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