Thank you for breaking up with me

Thank you for breaking up with me

Thank you for breaking up with me


I remember how I used to think I couldn’t live without you. I remember how I thought you were the love of my life and how you absolutely destroyed my heart when you broke up with me.

I thought we’d be back together and I still cringe at how we said goodbye. I was a mess asking you not to leave me and never forget me; like you would do what I asked. I kissed you goodbye, convinced we were lovers just going away for some time.

Of course I was angry and blamed it on you. Of course my heart was torn in a million pieces and it stung to feel like you moved on in a second.

And you did, you started going out with someone new right away. You started showing off your wonderful life. That’s when I realized I was lucky we broke up. I don’t want to be with someone who replaces things and people so easily.

Thank you for showing me how much I was worth to you, and for opening my eyes to the kind of person I never want to be with again.

November will mark five months since you broke up with me. It will also mark five months since I started feeling like myself again and five months since I started loving myself.

Thank you for breaking up with me. I’ve never felt happier in my life and happier for getting rid of an abusive man.


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