Thank you for setting me free.

Thank you for setting me free.

Thank you for setting me free.

LTME-postDear T,

It’s been almost 3 years since you left me at my houses door and never contacted me again. What we both did to each other was awful, when I was with, I could be my very best but also the someone awful. And I don’t want to be that person, never again. Since we broke up I’ve been jumping through guys, I don’t care about feelings and honestly I don’t care about any of them. I never loved anyone again, although there was this boy who caught my attention, but it wasn’t even closed compared to what I know I could feel for someone.

So one week ago I was at the pub with my mates, having this amazing time, getting drunk, I went to the bathroom and when I get out, there you are. After all these years. You are standing there, the same person I dated for 5 years, but you surely are not the same. And then for my surprise you call my name and ask me to go outside and talk. We were both drunk, but not drunk enough. I ask if I can give you a hug. And you picked me up and hugged like I was your worl and you didn’t want to let me go… If only you had hugged me like that 3 years ago…. But in that moment it felt so right…. and my world wasn’t shattered anymore, I wasn’t that broken hearted girl anymore… We talked said our apologies and that’s it.

I woke up next morning so light, a weight as been lifted, we never had our closure. And now I feel like I can move on, find love again. Find my soulmate and be happy. And hope one day we can be friends. Thank you for 5 amazing years, for all the love, the support and even for the bad moments who helped be the person I am today. Thank you T. Wish you all the very best.

Love you, always and forever.

1 Comment

  1. Chris 8 years ago

    Beautiful. I am just going through a horrible break up with my best friend of 4 years. We left on similar no contact terms, and it makes me happy to read an experience like yours :’)
    Thank you

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