To my ex

To my ex

To my ex

LTME-postHow are you..? I still miss you.. Look I just want you know something although things ended the way they did I didn’t deserve to be looked in the bedroom or for u to stand there and smack my head off the wall.. You always said from day 1 that you would never lay a finger on me and you wonder why I left that night.. I was scared.. I didn’t go anywhere but amies I promise I know you probably don’t believe me because u never believed a word I said but I’m telling the truth.. The first couple of days after we broke up were horrible I went so much down hill I just mopped around aimes honestly I didn’t even want to leave the house.. I didn’t want to see you.. I still don’t.. Being away from my Nan’s tho helped so much when I went back there a week later I didn’t think about it at first but I decided to go upstairs and as I looked around the bedroom honestly a thousand memories went through my head, but most of them was bad memories .. I wasn’t even in the house while I stayed there for a couple of days I just loved being with Eliza she was keeping me on track.. But then one day I got back late at night and kayleigh said she was inviting your cusons baby dad over to stay the night, she was telling me how she would sleep with him and how she wouldn’t care if your cuson got the ump, kayleigh sat up most of the night with him smoking and chatting while I was playing games on my phone, the next day I stayed in then went out to see eliza again when I returned home I got told by kayleigh that your cuz was coming round the next day to hurt me, your sister told me to go out the next day and not to come home I couldn’t be asked with the drama so I just listened to her, i went back to my mums the next day so much drama I had so many phone calls eventually I just blocked everyone since then honestly yeah I feel a lot better I do still miss you yeah of course I do.. I know alot of people have probably come up with stupid story’s and lies and what ever they want to say about me but honestly I couldn’t find it in me to even meet another guy let alone do anything with anyone.. I just can’t picture being with anyone else.. I did love u so don’t think that I never did I hope your happy I do ask my nan if she’s seen u and if your okay I’m okay checking up don’t worry Im just making sure u are okay.. I heard you’ve changed a lot good on ya you’ve done well for your self I’m glad u have your self back on track.. I’m sorry things ended the way they did with us maybe we just wasn’t meant to b if I see u I’m just going to walk past you no dirty looks nothing no I don’t hate you so don’t ever think that I do apart of me will always love you I hope your well but please don’t think iv moved on already iv actually turned my life around just focusing on Eliza and getting my money sorted and getting my own place I guess what happened between us didn’t drag me down it built me up its made me so strong..


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