9 months later…

9 months later…

9 months later…

LTME-post…I can still hear your familiar voice tell me how much you love me, how you would never hurt me. We were together for two years, the first 6 months were the happiest of my life. After a few months I started to notice the alcohol on your breath when I would visit you. I didn’t think anything of it until the day I found you passed out drunk on your bed at 1 pm. I didn’t realize it was the start of something terrible. At that moment I couldn’t have imagined how many times I would find you with a empty bottle of vodka beside you in bed. Or finding out about you getting fired from your job for showing up drunk again. I had no idea that I would have to go town to town searching for you in the middle of the night hoping you hadn’t been arrested for DWI or you hadn’t been killed in a collision. How I would beg you to go to rehab only for you to relapse two weeks later. If someone would have told me you would be passed out drunk while I walked across the stage my college graduation day and wait an hour after the ceremony for you to show up, I would have called them a liar. He could never do that, could he? Well it has been 9 months since I got the courage to finally leave. I just wanted you to know how much I have changed. I am finally happy with myself. I go out in public and eat at restaurants by myself without having a panic attack. I wore a bikini for the first time in my life last week , and I didn’t care who saw. I am not the little girl who hid by your side when in public and would wear a tee shirt to go swimming. I am a the person I would be proud to show the world. I just want to let you know I forgive you. It’s not your fault I stayed with you for so long. Or why I thought I could help you change. If I had only stayed with you overnight you wouldn’t feel the need to keep drinking, I could fill that gap. I know now that I was only making everything harder on the both of us. I know you moved on almost instantly after I broke up with you. I know you will never see this letter, but I need closure and I want you to know I forgave you a long time ago. I wish you all the best and I hope you have a good life. I am finally happy and I hope you are too. Goodbye Michael


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