So hurt

LTME-postMy dear Ry,

You haven’t heard from me from the past few weeks and it’s been a month and so I think. I’m sorry but I can’t help myself but to feel hurt. I felt so hurt when you ended things through text/chat. When you removed my name on your bio and followed the girl on twitter again right after we broke up. Well, anyway. I felt hurt. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what I must say out of brokenness that time. I just want to let you know that I have loved you so much and I know how that even without me saying a word, you know that I did. I also felt hurt when you ended your message only with “Ingat ka, goodbye.” When you told me that you only want to see me for formality’s sake and it’s only because you were pressured to do so(“Baka kasi sabihin na hindi ako nagpapakalalaki”); to end things that are already done; us. I was badly hurt. It was the third time I cried that hard infront of my friends because I can’t help but to release the pain and the agony. I gave my best. The best that I could ever give as a girlfriend yet it wasn’t enough. I’m sorry. For caring too much for you, for wanting to spend time with you as much as we can. Sorry If I wasn’t exactly what you wanted as of this season of time but I still do hope that I made you happy. That you’ve been happy from the little things up to the big things that I’ve done for you. Even from the start of our relationship, all I wanted was your happiness. To make you the happiest as you can possibly be even if it’s not of my convenience. I’m happy to be apart of your life. To be exactly what you needed when I was still with you. Now, that I’ll be removing myself from the equation, I hope you’d be happy. All I wanted is for you to enjoy your life to the fullest, that even in times of sorrow, you would still be able to smile. I hope your friends won’t leave you again in times of pain. I hope that they won’t be the reason anymore why you’re sad, pressured and bothered. I’m sorry for not being good enough for you. I’ve planned a lot of things for us already but sadly all of it has been shattered. I’ll be strong. Thank you for everything. For the love, for the tears, for making me happy too even only in a period of time. You’ve been exactly what I wanted before so I don’t regret loving you. I have truly loved you, Ryan. Words cannot express its depth. I do hope and pray that you would embrace happiness each and every single day. I’ll miss you. Take good care of yourself. (and also of Snorlax) though. God bless you always. See you around.



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