I’ve lost interest in everything

I’ve lost interest in everything

I’ve lost interest in everything

LTME-postDear Ex,

It has been more than 2 months since you left and we have not spoken to each other. However, there is times when I still miss you. They say, time heals all the wounds but what about the good ones? I always knew this was meant to happen but I still went for it because it felt good at that time. I have lost interest in everything, even the things I used to love. I really dont know for how long this is going to persist but sometimes I just feel like a storm has hit my heart and I need to run and move really fast. You will probably never read this letter, maybe thats why I am writing it. Everyday I think of texting you, but an inner voice stops me because I know deep down it is good for both of us not to talk. I really wish great things for you. Hope that you went to the doctor for your stomach pains and other health issues and living a happy life. I am even scared to look at your photos and profile perhaps because I am afraid of going through all the pain again. Whatever I am doing is helping and hopefully I will be fine soon. I know for a fact that I will never see you again but my heart still wants good and peace for you.


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