I always knew deep down that there was reason to feel suspicious of you. You’re best female “friend” would hang around you [my lover] way too often. She was always so clingy with you. I didn’t really stand a chance. Plus there was no sex between me and you, which only added to me wanting to break up with you. If there’s no sex, then it’s only a friendship. I don’t think mine and your relationship was ever really a true one. I had a feeling, a gut feeling, that you and your “friend from way back” were having sex with each other behind my back. Boy was I right. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known someone. It matters who you have sex with. If I’d truly mattered to you, you wouldn’t have gave so much sex to her. It just sums up what an idiot you must be. Good job I caught you both. Seeing as your bedroom door was “always open if I needed you”. Why would I NEED you? You and our so-called tart of a friend made a right fool of me. I really hope you two have improved your ways. You would both smoke weed together, which was a sign that you both were going to have sex with each other, regardless of how it made me feel. I hope you two worthless junkies can one day be actui decent human beings, and learn what it’s like to have a REAL relationship with someone. Just a shame that I met a sore loser who wanted to have sex with HER. I knew it from the way you constantly talked about her. What did I really expect? To her credit, you’ve known her way longer than I have, so of course you were going to sneak off to have sex with her. God help you both. You both need help!! I am happy as I am. Glad I can easily find another man to be with. Good riddance. Well done to me for having the decency to walk away from you both. I did myself a favour. I dodged a bullet. I will only remember you and her as a waste of space. Goodbye
You know who you are