Are you really gone?

Are you really gone?

Are you really gone?


Dear Shonga
I can’t remember how many times we’ve broken up and gotten back together. I guess when you left this time around I thought we would kiss and make up a few hours later or the next day (latest). I waited as those few hours became days and then a week , then another week and now 20days later I’m still waiting. I guess I should have realised that this time you actually meant it or maybe I did and just couldn’t fathom the thought of us being apart for good.! It kills me to see you going on with life without me mostly because I still don’t know if you’re really gone. I get it! You’ve made your point! So now Can you please come back? I miss you , I miss your Son, I miss our little family, I miss US!! I will always love you and I know you’ll always love me so i’ll wait for whatever time it takes. I’ll be here, waiting for my love to come back to me and continue our love story, we deserve our happy ending.
I hope you’re good. Hope you’re fresh and hope everything on your side is more than amazing.
I hope all your days will be productive ones.
I love you honey, together or apart… All the way!!
-Thee lil Angel


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