Healing for me

Healing for me

Healing for me

I have to give everything to God. I made a decision and I’m not going to withdraw from that decision. I’m know consequences come with actions, I’m ready for the decisions that will be made for those actions. I have to be confident that God will take care of this matter. Lies and deceit hurt people. I don’t want to be that person. I hurt innocent people with my actions with this person. I pray one day, they will be able to forgive me. I’m sorry. I don’t blame anyone for what I did. I made those choices and decisions and I own up to that. I protected someone doing those things, I can’t protect him anymore. Lies and deceit got me nowhere, but I pray the truth will.

So, I am telling my truth. It’s time. A person can’t make anyone a better person, it comes within us. Love doesn’t lie, it’s not cruel, it’s doesn’t cause pain, and it’s not hateful. Stephen, causes pain, hurt, he lies, and he is cruel, that’s how he loves. I’m disappointed in myself for thinking he was a loving and changed man.  I wanted to be loved so badly, that I was blinded by what he really was. He proved me wrong, people like him can’t change. He told me I was being toxic for having a normal person reaction to being lied too. Wow! I’m a good person and a loving person and that word toxic, doesn’t define who I am. I know it’s going to take time to heal from this, but I will.  I know God has a better plan for me, I just have to let him lead me that way.


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