Wish that night lasted forever

Wish that night lasted forever

Wish that night lasted forever

My love,
Ik you’ve moved on long ago since you never loved me. It the was the month of September. We were together for 13 days. Those 12 days were the best days of my life.
That the most happiest phase of my whole freaking life. I was so fkn Happy to be with you.  I started dreaming about our future together. I was always smiling. 22 September 2019 💖 was the best day of my life till now. I wish i could go back to that night and hold on that moment forever. We had our first kiss. I fell even more in love with you. Everything was like a dream to me but then she became more close to you than i ever was, i was scared of losing you. It became my worst nightmare.

I started trying to control you which was the worst mistake of my life. Slowly you started losing interest in me and started getting closer to her. A lot happened in between those 13 days. On 28th September 2019 you left me and walked along with them in front of my eyes. My heart broke into pieces. Then moved to your city and never came back. I was shattered in pieces.

2 months later i contacted you through a friend. Finally got back together and saw that you changed. You’re no longer the guy i loved. You ignored me, insulted me, embarrassed me. Didn’t pay attention to me. Again we go separated as the destiny didn’t wanted us to be together ( although I told you we were meant to be together, the i irony). Every little thing, every single person even the circumstances didn’t wanted to be together. It’ll be 8 months tomorrow of us being separated. I Still love you with whole my heart. I wish you come back to me. I still dream of us living happily ever after.


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