We might’ve broken up over three years now, and I’m happily with someone, but I’m still healing from the years of abuse you put me through. The yelling, cheating, lying, blaming, manipulation… you recently DM’ed me about how “as a friend” you’re happy for me and the way you treated me “haunts you”.. It haunts me too, and the thing that makes me really angry at myself is I endured all of it believing you actually loved me and had intentions of changing. I think I got lonely and relied on you after you chased my friends away. You dragged me down to my lowest point, no confidence, no joy, no independence, I didn’t even realize how gone/depressed I was when I was with you. It took me three damn years being with you to realize nothing would change. And now, even three years later, I hear you still haven’t. but then to have the audacity signing a message from nowhere with “as a friend”.. you made it very clear we weren’t friends before we broke up. Why is it now, you want to think of us as friends. You broke me, my soul, my goofy joy, my mind… and I was the ONLY one to build myself up. My confidence and communication still needs work, but I am 100% a different person now, a stronger woman because of it. YOU DON’T GET TO COME INTO MY LIFE AND STEAL MY JOY AGAIN.
I’m still healing and it sucks.