Fuck My Ass You Cray

Fuck My Ass You Cray

Fuck My Ass You Cray

Hey. You’re a dickhead asshole who can’t even hit it from behind. Ngl, you helped me A LOT. Like a lot a lot.

But you also hurt me a lot. I’m sad i disrespected myself by staying with you for too long, but it’s okay i learned. 

You’re really mean. 2 months into dating, you told me you were “a bully” and little did I know id be bullied months in. We met for a reason and i learned to NEVER fck w ppl like you again. Ugh. I appreciate you but despise you so much you piece of shit!! If i didnt find this website, i would’ve texted you 5 months post break-up: fuck you!

Im happier now and you play yourself sooo much, you insecure goon. You put others down to make you feel special. But dont worry, youll always be beta to me. I’d say man up for once you uglyface + uglysoul, but i still dont think you have the balls to do it. Bc i took the breakup bullet when u were tryna end it with me. I said it bc you didnt have the guts to say it. Damn, and im still putting energy into you? Now im playing myselfff. 

Xoxo, team alpha baby


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