Never say goodbye

Never say goodbye

Never say goodbye

I wish I knew how much I had fallen in love with you before I decided to say goodbye. I never wanted to but you know, it has always been about my parents. I wanted to be a good daughter and see them happy for the rest of their lives. If there was someone with whom I had fallen in love ever it was you. I am really sorry for the way I left you in dark and with someone else right now (approved by my parents) but I had spoken to them about us and they did not seem to be happy and started showing signs of hatred towards me.

Honestly,  after the childhood abandonment I could not accept it and finally gave up as it was breaking me inside. But now I think I am broken for a lifetime and cannot fall in love ever again. I miss our cuddles, kisses, the feeling of safety and being loved the way I was, the way you cared for me like something really precious to you.. I miss them all. I still sleep peacefully when I dream about you and our old times together. I will always love you secretly which I never had thought I would.

Sorry for the pain I gave you. We should never have met and we would have led much happier lives, isn’t it so? No one can ever love me the way you do..we speak the same love language so we could understand each other well. You are inside me, my breath and my thoughts keep you alive. I tried to forget you but I could not.  

But I wish you peace and happiness, someone who can give you love, acceptance and everything else that I could not. I want you to be happy and love again so that this time love shows its true meaning to you. Goodbye.
with love


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