Archive for 2022

  • I still think of you


    It’s been almost three years since whatever we had went to shit. Almost three years since I last talked...

  • Without So Much As a Peep


    Where to even start… Emily… you left me without as much as a peep. No words, no explanations no...

  • Crumpet feet


    It’s been 2 months since you took your own life and I find myself struggling with your decision. Even...

  • Last letter to you


    This is me writing a last letter to you. Everything we have gone through this 2 years really opened...

  • I know you needed to know this years ago


    I don’t want to not have you in my life, but today I can’t give you friend Tiff. I’ve...

  • Whacked on block


    You ended it so quickly, I don’t care what you say you ended it for an entirely different reason...

  • Blood


    Drop of ChinaIn the chamber of silenceRang, clearTears, rollingDrip. Drip. Drip.Like blood againstClear white polished marbleAs I maddeningly danceOn...

  • Hello Tsingkit


    It’s been 5 months now since we broke up. I never thought we will end up like this just...

  • You liked masking your viciousness as “just being honest,” so allow me to return the favor just this once.


    You should be so lucky that I’m not inclined toward drama. Every night before you manage to fall asleep,...

  • I hate myself


    ok so the thing is we’ll never lastnot because of the distance, trust, time, money…i’m the reason you’re too good...