Archive for November, 2023

  • Goodbye R


    Hey R,I still think of you on a daily basis. Even after what you’ve done to me, the feelings...

  • You didn’t deserve my immaturity


    I regret the choice I made of losing you as a person who I truly cared about and even...

  • No more apologies


    To Sam; From the very start you had your doubts about me and you weren’t wrong. But you weren’t...

  • Dear Jianlan


    Relaxation rules, Bedford must wait. I am gone now, gone from this life, gone from your world. I left...

  • Spaghetti/trust


    This has been on my mind, and I wish I could talk to you.  But at the same time...

  • To Friðrik and Vitor


    To the people who hurt me most.  I’m pregnant now, and will get married. Thank you for breaking me,...

  • I wish u the best bb


    Dear J,No one will ever compare. i want so bad to take you off that pedestal, but i now...

  • Wrong side of white


    We used to look at each other so different as if we could see so many possibilities a world...

  • Just wanted to let you know


    When we separated, I was angry with you. That anger covered and protected me from the pain of it...

  • Dear Alex


    Just want to say it’s been nearly 2 years since we broke up and I have never been happier....