Archive for 2023

  • Fuck you Isabella


    Isabella, Fuck you. Fuck you for indulging yourself this entire last week. Fuck you for never giving me the...

  • You.


    Dear Zolie, I miss you. I know its been a month or two but I just want everything to...

  • A te, Maestro,


    che non ho saputo amare. Non sei fatto, tu, per questa vita, non sei fatto per nessuna vita, come...

  • I miss you


    Hola mi handsome man,i miss you. and you are literally in the danger zone right now and my brain...

  • You are so pathetic


    You never actually loved me, you loved the feeling of being in a relationship. All you have ever done...

  • Fue mejor


    Gracias por romper conmigo, fue lo mejor que me pudo pasar en mi vida, ya no me duele perderte,...

  • Why?


    Dear Hamish,All I want to know is why?  Why did you have to say all those shitty things about...

  • You were awful to me


    I don’t wish you well Kerrigan. I did everything for you. Anything and everything you ever wanted I did....

  • It hurts, congratulations on your wedding


    Hi sugar, Today is the day, the day where I would be drying my tears and would be out...

  • How could you?


    Dear Juan, I thought you were my last love, we planned our life together and I couldn’t believe my...