I tried so hard to get you to understand me. I spent hours and hours talking and listening and trying to understand and learn and I really thought that you got it. When all the shit hit the fan, I had no more energy to pour into debate with you. You are right about my shortcomings… the way I communicate or lack thereof. But I didn’t have anything left to give. I think we met at a bad time and rushed into things I wasn’t ready for. You are still loved and missed daily. I miss your intelligence and our talks. I miss laying in your arms. I hope you are able to find someone who can be what you need and what I was not able to be. I wish it could have been me.
This could definitely have been written by S.H, is it?
You did your best as we all have done so you have done nothing wrong. We all do silly things that have ruined potentially a relationship with a soulmate. I am guilty of this and I live with that everyday. I too wish I could speak with her yet I respect her for the love we had to set her free and if its mean to be I will see her again one day. If not I have just been taught the hardest lesson of my life so far. II believe she wrote a recent letter on another “letter” here not this one unfortunately & I wrote a short story of all. Love is everything & we don’t realise they were our world until we lose them. Good bye I say to thee I shall always remember thee for eternity.
It is never too late. Don’t let her go, if that’s the one. Whatever happened, don’t let your soulmate go. You are probably the only one who can make her happy. As she is the only one who can give you true happiness.
If only what you said is true S. How come if I may ask that you write here years later? I haven’t been on here or other sites for years(I wrote the above response…Snuggle Buggle). In hindsight it was mainly my fault & not hers as I was a emotional mess as my father was dying & subsequently died. I’m a different Man nowadays & I wouldn’t have it any other way for life has never been better. She would be amazed at my self transformation. I can only hope & have faith that she is happy & her dreams have become reality. She deserved nothing less.