I’m not over this

I’m not over this

I’m not over this

LTME postIt’s been a week since you ended things. Wow, a week. That’s nothing, I hear you say. 3 years we had been together, just let that settle in for a while. You told me that our relationship was the longest you had been in, yet you’re sure you want to end things?

Distance. It certainly makes the heart grow fonder and it doesn’t help that you’ve decided not to talk to me. Probably forever. It hurts, it hurts a lot. Our long distance relationship was hardly something difficult. 2 hours by train and I was there in your arms. 3 weeks ago and you were in my arms. A week ago and everything is gone. 6 months you had been feeling this way, but still did things with me. We lacked communication I guess. 29 days and I’m writing you a proper heartfelt letter to send to you. Be prepared. I know you most probably won’t take me back, but I need closure. Don’t be reluctant to answer my questions. It just makes things worse.


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