To my very first boyfriend

To my very first boyfriend

To my very first boyfriend

LTME-postDamn it’s been about a year now since we stopped fucking around. The last couple of years i still tried to hold on to whatever was left of our “relationship”. I always cried about you to friends and my sisters. I always begged and dreamed that you would change. I wanted there to be an “us” forever. I met you in high school, you were four years older than i was and certainly since the beginning we were destined to fail. How could two immature kids make something like love work? We didn’t know jack shit. I remember my 14/15 year old self wanting to have a kid with you at that age and you reminded me of how we were not ready (thank you for that!). I remember you took my virginity , you took everything i had for the first time. I gave myself wholeheartedly and in return i got cheated on several times, i got lied to , i was denied , I was humiliated. I remember the first time i found out you were cheating on me. It was a stormy night and i ran out of your house in teara and had to wait inside a taco bell soaked until my sister and her bf came for me. I also remember us having some good times but those memories are blurry because there were very few. I clutched on to those memories and waited until i felt that happiness again. We were together for 6 years lol! Finally i reached the end of the rope on January 4th of last year. Two months after my 20th birthday and I’m so glad i can write this letter with no emotions attached. I don’t hate you though. It was all a learning experience. I don’t regret meeting you because you taught me what signs to look for in my new relationship(s). I know what not to take from someone and i also have learned how someone truly shows that they care (thanks to my latest bf). Every relationship comes with up’s and down’s. So thank you for the good, bad , and ugly. I wish you the best and hope that someday you can find a good girl and know how to treat her. You’re not a terrible human. Have a nice life dude.

Sincerely Lisa.


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