Stuck in clouds

Stuck in clouds

Stuck in clouds

When I first met you I was star stuck. You were amazing in my eyes. Everything about you just clicked with me. You were hamdsome, kind, funny, and smart. You were my first love and I cherish our time together.

You knew me like no other for the longest time. Though I was the one to end things I did so being selfish. sometimes maybe it’s okay to put yourself first though. I feel stuck in clouds with my feelings. One day I can love you, the next I realize why I ended it. I’m sorry I didn’t feel good enough to continue. I left my heart and floor behind you. This feeling of being stuck is undeniable, I miss you but I feel the need to move on, though I’m not sure I want too.

Maybe we can just push restart?
Maybe we try and fix the past and our mistakes?
You text me claiming you miss me, though is it me you miss? or the idea of having me, maybe I’ll never know. I can say I miss you but I think I’m better off finding myself. Maybe you think I’m better without you. But I’ll let you be the judge of that.

I’m sorry if I broke your heart. I told you i care about you and there still was a chance of us. I never promised myself to you. I informed you what I needed was time. Time for me. Time to understand myself. Time to figure out everything else.

As I finish this letter I leave you knowing, you are special. I do care about you. And I hope life treats you well while I figure me out. I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to find myself and care for you at once.

– empty
– lost
– unsure
(Words are best at their simplicity)


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