Hello, stranger.

Hello, stranger.

Hello, stranger.

To the beautiful man I was once with,

Let’s just pretend that I started this letter with something heart warming. So, yeah. Here it goes.

I remember the time I first saw you in at the club. It was a birthday celebration of one of my closest friends. I was wearing my little red and black dress with a little touch of white. We were partying all night. I saw you twice that night. But when I went back to see you, you were already gone. Well, I thought that’s the last time I’d be seeing you. After months, I have completely forgotten the man I once had a desire to meet in the club.

One night I’ve decided to get coffee and head to the nearest coffee shop. It was about midnight and I was trying not to sleep so I could finish all the work I have to do. I saw this beautiful man, familiar but I can’t recall when or where I saw him. Turns out, it was you. After a very long time. I’ve seen you. You remembered who I was and we did a lot of talking and that’s the start of our friendship. We bump at each othermost of the time least expected which was weird and little by little, I started to like you more.

Our friendship turned into a relationship which involved romance, respect and understanding and yes, I was so in love. I saw and felt that you were too. We hardly had problems, if we did we’d just laugh it away. We never had dead-air moments, all we had was awesome times. You were my source of happiness, my strength, my soulmate, my food buddy, my annoying other half and I lost you.

Sometimes, I stop for a while and think of the things we could have done to save what we had. What have I done wrong to deserve losing you? At this very moment, are you still having thoughts about me? About us? Do you still remember the day you exerted too much effort pulling off a surprise for our anniversary and you did great? How about the times we simply lay in bed talking about anything the world has to offer? Late night stroll in search of food and stuff? Do you? Because I do. And it’s so hard to think that the person who was once I share all this is now gone.

The truth is, I miss you. From the day we said goodbye up to this very breath I take while writing this letter for you. I’ve never been this lonely in my entire life. The morning kisses, the good night kisses and all the kisses. Your warmth at night. Your smile that could melt a even a heart of stone. Your eyes that is so meaningful. And you. It can only sum up to one thing. You. I miss every inch of you.

Love isn’t even enough to express how I feel for you. I love you when we’re still together, and after we were together. I know I always will.

But I guess some things are just not meant to be together. I wish I could let you go and move on but my heart refuses everytime I try.

One day, I’ll see you and I would only say “I still need you and I still love you. I wish you never have given up on us.”

Hasta la próxima, mi amor.

With love,



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