My love

LTME post

I love you, I miss you, I need you
My heart is broken! Your fault. Why did you do that to me, were they worth it? Do you miss me like I do you?. My heart aches for your love, To have your arms around me helping free my mind from fear while I fall Asleep I could kill for. Sleep, a distant luxury. Not one second before I close my eyes Are you of my mind nor are you the second I wake?. To forget would be sad but to forget would be peaceful, restful, healthy. We cannot change time no? But we can change future, make love worth sharing. Make someone happy, give them love , affection and hope. All the things i desired the most. To take you back would be an abomination but would sure speed my recovery, I know it’s time to set you free, free to meet your princess so that you don’t feel the need to look elsewhere. If you see me please don’t speak, I wish not to be reminded of your effortless apologies. But I do love you, I miss you every second my depressed head and broken heart will let me.

My love help me mend my broken heart.

1 Comment

  1. M 10 years ago

    Sending you warm wishes, Faye, and letting you know that others understand your pain. X

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