I’m sorry. For everything for not being there for you when you needed me to make you happy every day and show you how much I love you, sorry for not seeing you as often as you wanted even though I was going up this weekend, sorry for not being the girl you wanted, sorry for not texting you all the times that you wanted, just know that I will always love you and I got my license!! But I guess I won’t have to drive to you see you
I’ll just go straight to my moms, sorry for getting you in trouble, sorry for everything that you didn’t like in our relationship, you want me to go love someone else? No I won’t, I’m not mad at all really
I just know that I will miss you a lot, I don’t regret anything I did with you because when I was with you it was the happiest moment ever
going on a walk and just laying in grass was one of the best things you could think of
, just know that I will always be here for you if you need anyone you will forever be in my heart and I’m here to talk to
I don’t understand how you make it look so easy? Everyday you will cross my mind and everyday you have saved my life and never will I forget you, I miss you so much, your smile your kiss and everything amazing and everything about us and Now you’re gone you are here in my heart in my tears. you left your mark we were just getting started, this isn’t how I planned it would end up
you hate me now and I don’t what your reason is, it’s okay though
I understand just remember I’ll love you and I’m so sorry for everything, every second without feels like a year
if I could read this to you in person and show you how I feel, I would
again…I’m sorry and I know that doesn’t do a lot
or fix anything, but I love you and thanks for being amazing to me
I love you
Just know that I will always love you