Its been two years since I have seen you or talked to you. I have written you many letters, unsent, but this one is the only online letter and I hope one day you somehow come across this site and read this and your heart skips a beat as you remember how much this resembles you. I’ll be honest here. I don’t love you anymore. I have learnt to stop loving you a long time back. My life has become so busy that many days pass by without a single thought of you. And then comes the songs we played on 29th March and the ones we dedicated to each other, a place where we met, a day that was sacred for us and all the memories and words come crashing on me and I am back to the same place all over again. Forgetting you hasn’t been easy. I cried, I freaked, I deleted the songs, I dated other boys. But at the end of the day, I always looked for you.
I am not here to tell you my “Move On” story. I am here to tell you that I miss you just as much as I did before. No less, no more. Just as much. And surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt anymore. It has finally become a distant memory that I sometimes long for. I wish things are good for you like they are for me. I hope life is surprising you and you are meeting other girls, beautiful and intelligent girls. I hope you have found love. And I also hope that one day we meet each other five years from now in a cafe and talk about our lives and how things have changed. I wish one day you come across a brown haired girl, with freckles under her eyes, wearing a grey stop and black capris and you think about me and smile. I miss you!