I know this is not your real name, but do you remember that day we asked each other what we could change our names to? All those nights we would spend hours talking over the phone, I can’t believe how we somehow never managed to run out of things to talk about. Hahaha remember that day we stayed up till 1 am and your grandma grounded you for a week? It’s been some time since we have each taken our own ways, I truly hope you get someone you deserve and will take care of you. That day I said if I could wish for anything it would be that all your dreams and wishes came true is still true to today. I always wondered what could had been if we hadn’t been separated a decade ago, so many possibilities, yet we will never know. Just like you I would also give up anything to go back to those days, back when we were all happy and had nothing to worry about. Our relationship may be well in the past, but I hope our friendship is not.
Te deseo lo mejor para ti y toda tu familia mi querida cupcake Gracias por todo lo que me ensenaste y por estar a mi lado en mis peores tiempos., eso nunca lo olvidare.