I want to stop loving you

I want to stop loving you

I want to stop loving you

LTME postSTOP !!! You say.. Yes, I do want to stop. I want to stop loving you. Despite, your emotionless demeanor – I know I felt something real with you. Perhaps, it’s my imagination. I’m accepting everything I’ve done. I just feel empty. You gave me something that made me feel alive. The crazy obsessive behavior I exhibited was totally irrational. I don’t even know how to explain it. Except, I knew I was miserable when I couldn’t be with you, wake up next to you, to see your eyes, your smile, the way your walk on your toes, and hear your voice.

You said it wasnt a relationship but it was fucking real to me. I’m writing this for me. I don’t know what your thoughts are – perhaps its “wtf is this shit”. I know I’ll move on and all will be well. Except, it hurts like a motherfucker right now. I just wanted to express my current thoughts.

Yes, I had no intention on letting you go. I wanted something or a future with you. I just couldn’t give you a bunch of shit and fuck with your head like Rahul.

Maybe if we met in different circumstances meaning if I was single – things would be different. Maybe you would have loved me.

In retrospect. I’ve to thank you for giving me your time and energy. It felt really good to have you during those times. On the other hand, WTF is that fading shit ? Come on, that’s the biggest bunch of shit I’ve ever heard. I asked you a million times if you were ending me – you said NO. In the future, don’t do the shit to someone that’s madly in love with you. It gives them false expectation and prolong pain.

Anyways, I’m just going on and on – you know what I think. Be safe out there – you’re an adult. Watch out for married men, players, etc.
Stop fucking drinking so much wine.
Stop fucking smoking too much.
Stop being a bitch to me. I’m actually a good person in a way.
Get your soft ass out there and exercise.
Oh, your prissy white ass still owes me anal.



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