I took a trip
to lovers anonymous,
scary, to find myself
surrounded by lovers
independent of me
we are encouraged there
to explain the rhythm
our hearts choose to
beat along to.
to cry the tears
that we’re unable to shed
in front of our loves
for fear of abandonment
and utter loss of control.
to spread the fire
burning slowly and wonderfully
within us.
to release the butterflies
trapped within our ever bursting insides.
lovers anonymous is scary.
to all those who attend,
it becomes frightening.
part of our problem
is that we feel too much.
that we bear too much
responsibility upon ourselves
to account for our loves happiness.
we struggle to find the balance
between the love that encapsulates us
and the constant need
to not be the crazy one
you got away from.
so here i am.
I am a part of lovers anonymous.
we meet every second
in our anxious hearts.
you will find us overplaying
conversations, with words long lost.
membership requires a relationship
a crush, a flight of their eyes
that you just can’t forget.
this message will continue
long after you’re gone.
Lovers Anonymous, A Poem