Feel like I’ll never find answers

Feel like I’ll never find answers

Feel like I’ll never find answers

LTME-postIt’s been 2 years and 9 months since we broke up. Actually we can’t say that we broke up because we never put labels. All that matters was US. There’s no me and there’s you because it’s always US.

I don’t know why but there’s something in you that never lets me move on ever since that day. The day when talked about giving each other up; the day when we decided to end this US relationship; the day when I knew that you never really wanted to continue this; and the day when I realized that it’s just me. One of your girls.

Whenever I’m alone, I always thought that maybe we’re just too young then; that maybe the timing isn’t just right; that maybe it’s just a way to let us realize that it’s US no matter how long we separated we still knew in our hearts that we still love each other; or maybe we aren’t really for each other. There were so many what ifs and no matter what I do, what I think, and what I ask, I will never find answers to it.


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