My dearest
I know I can’t write in English as good as you..I know I can’t talk English fluently just like you do..but it was our first common favorite chat in English..listen to English music together..and even say “l love you” instead of “دوست دارم”…I know I didn’t say it enough..but “بیشتر از اونی که فکرشو کنی دوست دارم” much more..
I know I couldn’t give you what you wanted.. And the only thing that I had for you was my love..l know that’s what made you bored of me at the end.. but you should know something for sure, I wasn’t just that shy girl you were don’t even know a half of me..we could handle everything together..if we had just more time..but you preferred to leave me alone.
My bestie,my love..and my “غریبه ترین آشنا”for now..I’m still waiting..we’re not broken just bent and we can learn to love again..if you want..and if you see me