You’ll never change

You’ll never change

You’ll never change

It started off like a fairytale. You swept me off my feet and were the perfect boyfriend. You doted on me and showered me with love and affection. I’d never met anyone like you. Eventually we decided to live together, but you would not live in my house because your name wasn’t on it. I wish I had known this was a red flag. I sold my house and moved to the city YOU wanted to live in. I had no friends there and you knew it. You started to isolate me.

As soon as the paperwork work was signed for the house, you started to become someone else. Before I knew it, the knight in shining armour became the devil in disguise. To say you crushed my self esteem and self worth would be an understatement. I’d soon learn what emotional and mental abuse were. You told me I was crazy and had no friends. You’d attend events with your friends and family and never invite me along. Later I found out it was because you were gaslighting me and telling them I was crazy and you wanted to end it. Then you’d come home and sleep with me and tell me you loved me. 

You made me sleep in a different bed until I behaved and shut my mouth so you could do whatever you wanted. You called me a cunt and told me how everyone hates me. I heard it so much that I started to question whether my family or friends even liked me or if they just pretended to. You fucking ruined me. You tore me right down. And then when you abandoned me on Xmas eve with a text that said you didn’t love me anymore, I thought my life was over. But you came back three days later with an expensive gift and told me you did love me. Another year of that completely fucked me up. 

Then came the final discard. You left and got your new girlfriend pregnant and married her less than a year after our house sold. I imagine she is living in the hell I used to live in. 

I want you to know that you broke my spirt and sucked the soul out of me…but it was only temporary. It was the worst emotional hell I have been thru. But after EMDR and intense therapy, I want you to know that you are the fucking piece of shit. It never was me. It was you. You are the crazy one. 

You don’t even love yourself and you will always be chasing the greener grass because no one will ever be enough for you. You will suck the soul out of your new wife and you’ll leave her. You don’t care about your kid either, just like your dad didn’t care about you. You are a fucked up loser. Job to job, woman to woman, the most non committal, irresponsible piece of shit to walk the planet. But you’ll always blame everyone else and you’ll be the victim. I saw you begging for money on GoFundMe and boy am I happy I don’t have to deal with that shit anymore. Remember all the times you’d spend your last $5 on a can of beer?

I am happy now and I am single. I love myself enough that if I ever saw you, I’d tell you to fuck right off. You don’t deserve even a hello from me. I wish you nothing in life Mike. Not happiness, not misery, I wish you fucking nothing.


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