Archive for 2022

  • I’m sorry


    Dear E,  I don’t even know where to start. I still miss you. I miss you everyday and I...

  • I miss you & I’m sorry Alex


    You’ve blocked me on everything so I doubt you’ll see this either but even though I broke up with...

  • Desperation


    Its been a few months now, currently 3am in the middle of summer. reminds me of the nights we...

  • Fuckhead


    I fucking hate you, you a literal piece of shit. you’re sit there and blame everything on me,...

  • You’re engaged


    To my ex Congratulations on your engagement with the love of your life. Hope she gives you everything I...

  • Reopened wound


    Time is supposed to heal everything, but I didn’t know that it would be like standing on thin ice....

  • Hope it was worth it


    I hope everything was worth it. I hope letting your friends talk over me were worth it. i gave...

  • My ex bf Elias


    Hi , i hope your happy and good and sometimes i think of you even though you have already...

  • Miss you M


    Nasıl başlayacağımı bile bilmiyorum. Sana aşık değilim diyen birine ne denilebilir ki? Çok özlüyorum seni. Başta iyim sanmıştım unutmam...

  • I want to move on but idk how


    Today is April 18, 2022 and it’s like 12:30 AM as I’m writing this. Honestly I don’t even know...