Archive for 2022

  • Did you ever love me?


    Hun, It’s been a good 3 years since we have “broken up”. I use quotation marks because I don’t know...

  • I honestly don’t know what to do anymore


    Hey i just wanted to tell you bro how i felt when we met. i fell in love with...

  • hmm hey?


    hi cy – uhm congrats on ur new relationship with n. so yeah, I was too late cuz I...

  • I’m sorry


    I’m sorryI wish I told you this before, on 14 February 2019 I broke your heart in a million...

  • Wish I could meet you once


    Babe, I miss you. There are these small triggers that remind me of you then it’s just downhill from...

  • I messed up


    First love, first kiss, first person to cuddle with.I think about you 25/7,I think about the fact that I...

  • Letting Go is Too Hard


    After being hurt by someone in the past, I told myself I’d never fall in love again. I said...

  • Can we come home soon?


    To a past best friend, Another day, another year, yet I still prolong forgetting your existence. You’re always there,...

  • Zinc


    Hey Zinc, I’ve never really thought of how to even tell you how I’ve truly felt. I’ve been afraid...

  • Fuck you too bitch


    Hope you suffer the same way you made me.Hope you get to feel all the pain you inflicted upon...